BSIS Exposed Firearms Training


This permit will allow to carry a gun while on duty as a security officer. On average, start pay for armed security is $22 per hour! Perfect course to upgrade your pay and hourly rate!


  • BSIS APPROVED Firearms Training Facility (TFF 1303)
  • FAST license approvals, with our ONLINE Firearms Permit Submission!
  • Takes 1-5 weeks for approval


Day 1 Firearms: Tuesday, April 29th 6:30am - 2:30pm (Classroom)

Classroom training, you will learn moral & legal aspects of firearms use, nomenclature, weapons handling & shooting fundamentals, & emergency procedures. (Must have proof of citizenship or U.S legal resident. Show copy of U.S Birth Certificate, or, DD214, or, green card, or Naturalization Certificate, or Valid un- expired U.S passport)

Day 2 Firearms: Thursday, May 1s 8:00am - :00pm (Range)

Range training will give you practice in safely handling & firing your weapon. You will shoot with real bullets. You must hit the target 40 out of 50 to pass.


6400 E. Washington Blvd

Commerce CA 90040


  • 21 years of age or older
  • NO CONVICTIONS of ANY Felonies, regardless of how long its been.
  • Must be minimum a U.S Resident
  • Must bring to class ANY of the following (current U.S Passport/passport card, U.S birth certificate, U.S Naturalization certificate, or a green card)
  • You do not need to own a gun, if you don't own one, you may rent one on Day 2 during the range portion. If you have your own gun, you may bring day 1 classroom. NO ammunition in the class allowed.
  • 50 bullets for the firearm you will use. If you don't have bullets, they can be purchased at the range day 2. If you have your own bullets, bring only during day 2 range portion.


  • $175 class fee: Pre-Registration Required. No Walkins allowed, class has to be pre-registered and paid (limited seating)

The State & BSIS fees are not due on day of class. You can pay those fees once you want those steps completed.

  • $100 State Fee:
  • $80-85 Range Fees: payable at range day for use of gun, ammunition to qualify, target, materials, 1 caliber
  • $117 Livescan/fingerprints
  • $65 Assessment Test / Psychological test paid when you schedule for test

We have payment options at checkout for the $175 certification class fee:

  • as low as $16 / month
  • 4 easy payments of $43.75

Choose the best option below!

Get started now!

Your Instructor

Mr. Martin
Mr. Martin
  • NRA Training Counselor: #261209340
  • CA POST (Police Officer Firearms Instructor): #9247
  • NRA Law Enforcement Firearms/Shotgun Instructor: #261209340
  • NRA Pistol Instructor: #261209340
  • NRA Concealed Carry (CCW Instructor): #261209340
  • NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home Instructor: #261209340
  • NRA Personal Protection Inside the Home Instructor: #261209340
  • Los Angeles County CCW Training Provider
  • CA DOJ Approved CCW Instructor: #016
  • CA DOJ Approved Firearms Instructor: #354100
  • CA Bureau of Security & Investigative Services (BSIS) licensed Firearms Instructor: TIF #2764
  • CA Bureau of Security & Investigative Services (BSIS) licensed Baton Instructor: TIB# 1627
  • Police Academy Graduate
  • Advanced Patrol Officer Graduate

Semper Fi ladies and gents! I will be the lead Pistol Instructor for this workshop as the NRA Training Counselor to certify you!

I have Over 30 years of experience in the criminal justice field. I'm a former Staff Sargent, U.S Marine (Infantry and Embassy Duty) and Police Officer!

I ran a Criminal Justice Program for a private college and helped hundreds of individuals to get into Law Enforcement, Security, Corrections, and other public safety careers.

I was a former police officer and have real world street experience. I loved going out on patrol every day, making arrest, doing vehicle stops, investigations, drug testing, and perfecting my officer safety tactics and techniques.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I can not attend?
You can reschedule for the next firearms class:
Refund Policy
All of our classes/packages, and courses are final, no cancellations allowed, and no refunds issued once enrolled in any course(s), class(es), or any of our training programs. If you can not attend on your scheduled date, you can attend at another date or transfer course to another person.
Where is the location of the BSIS Exposed Firearms Permit:
6400 E. Washington Blvd - Commerce - CA - 90040
What are the Dates & Times:
(Day 1: Tuesday April 29th 6:30am-2:30pm Classroom Portion) (Day 2: Thursday May 1st 8am-2pm Range Day)
What do I need to bring to class?
During day 1, must bring to class ANY of the following (current U.S Passport/passport card, U.S birth certificate, U.S Naturalization certificate, or a green card). Along with a pen and notebook for class.
Do I need to own a gun to take this class?
No, you do not need to own a gun to take this class. On day 2, you can rent a gun for qualification. You can also buy the 50 bullets there required to qualify. If you own a gun and have the bullets, you can take to qualify for day 2.
MUST Come in Proper Attire. Must Bring Pants/Jeans with a Regular Belt. NO SweatPants NO Leggings NO Shorts NO Flipflops or Sandals or Any Open Toe Shoes. ( IF YOU DONT HAVE PROPER ATTIRE, YOU WILL BE SENT HOME. NO EXCEPTIONS)
How long do i have to Complete the Firearm Class?
You must complete the Firearm Class and Range Qualification within a year of completing the firearms class. If it’s passed a year , you will have to redo the whole process and training, and pay the Training and state fees all over again. (NO EXCEPTIONS)

Get started now!

Course Curriculum

  Lesson 3
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Quiz: Firearms Safety
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson 4
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson 6
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson 9: Shooting Incidents (Civil and Criminal Liability)
Available in days
days after you enroll